What is Refine?
Refine is a React meta-framework for CRUD-heavy web applications. It addresses a wide range of enterprise use cases including internal tools, admin panels, dashboards and B2B apps.
Refine's core hooks and components streamline the development process by offering industry-standard solutions for crucial aspects of a project, including authentication, access control, routing, networking, state management, and i18n.
Refine's headless architecture enables the building of highly customizable applications by decoupling business logic from UI and routing. This allows integration with:
Any custom designs or UI frameworks like TailwindCSS, along with built-in support for Ant Design, Material UI, Mantine, and Chakra UI.
Various platforms, including Next.js, Remix, React Native, Electron, etc., by a simple routing interface without the need for additional setup steps.
Why Refine?
Within the broad spectrum of development approaches, Refine occupies a unique sweet spot between “starting from scratch” with traditional development method and low-code/no-code solutions. With their respective initial pros at the beginning of development, both of the two extreme approaches may present long-term risks:
Despite offering the ultimate level flexibility, “Starting from scratch” method is likely to cause
- Project delays
- Technical debt
- Maintenance problems
- Lack of development and security best practices
- A polluted codebase
- And lack of standardization across teams
Low/no-code solutions address this shortcoming but create a new set of challenges such as
- Vendor lock-in
- Lack of customization & styling options
- Poor developer experience
- And limited support for complex use-cases
Offering the best from both worlds, Refine mitigates all risks of “from scratch” development without compromising from flexibility, agility and open technologies.
Overview of the Refine structure
Content: import { Authenticated, type I18nProvider, Refine } from "@refinedev/core"; import dataProvider from "@refinedev/simple-rest"; import routerProvider, { CatchAllNavigate, NavigateToResource, } from "@refinedev/react-router"; import { BrowserRouter, Outlet, Route, Routes } from "react-router"; import CssBaseline from "@mui/material/CssBaseline"; import GlobalStyles from "@mui/material/GlobalStyles"; import { AuthPage, ErrorComponent, RefineSnackbarProvider, ThemedLayoutV2, useNotificationProvider, } from "@refinedev/mui"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { authProvider } from "./authProvider"; import { Header } from "./components/header"; import { ColorModeContextProvider } from "./contexts/color-mode"; import { CategoryCreate, CategoryEdit, CategoryList, CategoryShow, } from "@/pages/categories"; import { ProductCreate, ProductEdit, ProductList, ProductShow, } from "@/pages/products"; function App() { const { t, i18n } = useTranslation(); const i18nProvider: I18nProvider = { translate: (key, params) => t(key, params).toString(), changeLocale: (lang: string | undefined) => i18n.changeLanguage(lang), getLocale: () => i18n.language, }; return ( <BrowserRouter> <ColorModeContextProvider> <CssBaseline /> <GlobalStyles styles={{ html: { WebkitFontSmoothing: "auto" } }} /> <RefineSnackbarProvider> <Refine dataProvider={dataProvider("https://api.fake-rest.refine.dev")} notificationProvider={useNotificationProvider} routerProvider={routerProvider} authProvider={authProvider} i18nProvider={i18nProvider} resources={[ { name: "products", list: "/products", create: "/products/new", edit: "/products/:id/edit", show: "/products/:id", }, { name: "categories", list: "/categories", create: "/categories/new", edit: "/categories/:id/edit", show: "/categories/:id", meta: { canDelete: true, }, }, ]} > <Routes> <Route element={ <Authenticated key="authenticated-inner" fallback={<CatchAllNavigate to="/login" />} > <ThemedLayoutV2 Header={() => <Header sticky />}> <Outlet /> </ThemedLayoutV2> </Authenticated> } > <Route index element={<NavigateToResource resource="products" />} /> <Route path="/products"> <Route index element={<ProductList />} /> <Route path="new" element={<ProductCreate />} /> <Route path=":id" element={<ProductShow />} /> <Route path=":id/edit" element={<ProductEdit />} /> </Route> <Route path="/categories"> <Route index element={<CategoryList />} /> <Route path="new" element={<CategoryCreate />} /> <Route path=":id" element={<CategoryShow />} /> <Route path=":id/edit" element={<CategoryEdit />} /> </Route> <Route path="*" element={<ErrorComponent />} /> </Route> <Route element={ <Authenticated key="authenticated-outer" fallback={<Outlet />} > <NavigateToResource /> </Authenticated> } > <Route path="/login" element={ <AuthPage type="login" formProps={{ defaultValues: { email: "demo@refine.dev", password: "demodemo", }, }} /> } /> <Route path="/register" element={<AuthPage type="register" />} /> <Route path="/forgot-password" element={<AuthPage type="forgotPassword" />} /> <Route path="/update-password" element={<AuthPage type="updatePassword" />} /> </Route> </Routes> </Refine> </RefineSnackbarProvider> </ColorModeContextProvider> </BrowserRouter> ); } export default App;
Content: import type { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core"; export const TOKEN_KEY = "refine-auth"; export const authProvider: AuthBindings = { login: async ({ username, email, password }) => { if ((username || email) && password) { localStorage.setItem(TOKEN_KEY, username); return { success: true, redirectTo: "/", }; } return { success: false, error: { name: "LoginError", message: "Invalid username or password", }, }; }, logout: async () => { localStorage.removeItem(TOKEN_KEY); return { success: true, redirectTo: "/login", }; }, check: async () => { const token = localStorage.getItem(TOKEN_KEY); if (token) { return { authenticated: true, }; } return { authenticated: false, redirectTo: "/login", }; }, getPermissions: async () => null, getIdentity: async () => { const token = localStorage.getItem(TOKEN_KEY); if (token) { return { id: 1, name: "John Doe", avatar: "https://i.pravatar.cc/300", }; } return null; }, onError: async (error) => { console.error(error); return { error }; }, forgotPassword: async (params) => { return { success: true, redirectTo: "/update-password", successNotification: { message: "Email has been sent.", }, }; }, updatePassword: async (params) => { return { success: true, redirectTo: "/login", successNotification: { message: "Successfully updated password.", }, }; }, };
Content: import i18n from "i18next"; import detector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector"; import Backend from "i18next-xhr-backend"; import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next"; i18n .use(Backend) .use(detector) .use(initReactI18next) .init({ supportedLngs: ["en", "de"], backend: { loadPath: "/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json", }, ns: ["common"], defaultNS: "common", fallbackLng: ["en", "de"], }); export default i18n;
Content: import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles"; import { RefineThemes } from "@refinedev/mui"; import type React from "react"; import { type PropsWithChildren, createContext, useEffect, useState, } from "react"; type ColorModeContextType = { mode: string; setMode: () => void; }; export const ColorModeContext = createContext<ColorModeContextType>( {} as ColorModeContextType, ); export const ColorModeContextProvider: React.FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({ children, }) => { const colorModeFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem("colorMode"); const isSystemPreferenceDark = window?.matchMedia( "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", ).matches; const systemPreference = isSystemPreferenceDark ? "dark" : "light"; const [mode, setMode] = useState( colorModeFromLocalStorage || systemPreference, ); useEffect(() => { window.localStorage.setItem("colorMode", mode); }, [mode]); const setColorMode = () => { if (mode === "light") { setMode("dark"); } else { setMode("light"); } }; return ( <ColorModeContext.Provider value={{ setMode: setColorMode, mode, }} > <ThemeProvider // you can change the theme colors here. example: mode === "light" ? RefineThemes.Magenta : RefineThemes.MagentaDark theme={mode === "light" ? RefineThemes.Blue : RefineThemes.BlueDark} > {children} </ThemeProvider> </ColorModeContext.Provider> ); };
Content: import DarkModeOutlined from "@mui/icons-material/DarkModeOutlined"; import LightModeOutlined from "@mui/icons-material/LightModeOutlined"; import { FormControl, MenuItem, Select } from "@mui/material"; import AppBar from "@mui/material/AppBar"; import Avatar from "@mui/material/Avatar"; import IconButton from "@mui/material/IconButton"; import Stack from "@mui/material/Stack"; import Toolbar from "@mui/material/Toolbar"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import { useGetIdentity, useGetLocale, useSetLocale } from "@refinedev/core"; import { HamburgerMenu, type RefineThemedLayoutV2HeaderProps, } from "@refinedev/mui"; import i18n from "i18next"; import type React from "react"; import { useContext } from "react"; import { ColorModeContext } from "../../contexts/color-mode"; type IUser = { id: number; name: string; avatar: string; }; export const Header: React.FC<RefineThemedLayoutV2HeaderProps> = ({ sticky = true, }) => { const { mode, setMode } = useContext(ColorModeContext); const { data: user } = useGetIdentity<IUser>(); const changeLanguage = useSetLocale(); const locale = useGetLocale(); const currentLocale = locale(); return ( <AppBar position={sticky ? "sticky" : "relative"}> <Toolbar> <Stack direction="row" width="100%" justifyContent="flex-end" alignItems="center" > <HamburgerMenu /> <Stack direction="row" width="100%" justifyContent="flex-end" alignItems="center" > <FormControl sx={{ minWidth: 64 }}> <Select disableUnderline defaultValue={currentLocale} slotProps={{ input: { "aria-label": "Without label", }, }} variant="standard" sx={{ color: "inherit", "& .MuiSvgIcon-root": { color: "inherit", }, "& .MuiStack-root > .MuiTypography-root": { display: { xs: "none", sm: "block", }, }, }} > {[...(i18n.languages ?? [])].sort().map((lang: string) => ( <MenuItem selected={currentLocale === lang} key={lang} defaultValue={lang} onClick={() => { changeLanguage(lang); }} value={lang} > <Stack direction="row" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center" > <Avatar sx={{ width: "24px", height: "24px", marginRight: "5px", }} src={`/images/flags/${lang}.svg`} /> </Stack> </MenuItem> ))} </Select> </FormControl> <IconButton color="inherit" onClick={() => { setMode(); }} > {mode === "dark" ? <LightModeOutlined /> : <DarkModeOutlined />} </IconButton> {(user?.avatar || user?.name) && ( <Stack direction="row" gap="16px" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center" > {user?.name && ( <Typography sx={{ display: { xs: "none", sm: "inline-block", }, }} variant="subtitle2" > {user?.name} </Typography> )} <Avatar src={user?.avatar} alt={user?.name} /> </Stack> )} </Stack> </Stack> </Toolbar> </AppBar> ); };
Content: import { type HttpError, useTranslate } from "@refinedev/core"; import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form"; import { Box, TextField } from "@mui/material"; import { Create } from "@refinedev/mui"; import type { Category } from "./types"; export const CategoryCreate: React.FC = () => { const translate = useTranslate(); const { saveButtonProps, refineCore: { formLoading }, register, formState: { errors }, } = useForm<Category, HttpError, Category>(); return ( <Create isLoading={formLoading} saveButtonProps={saveButtonProps}> <Box component="form" sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }} autoComplete="off" > <TextField {...register("title", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.title} helperText={<>{errors?.title?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="text" label={translate("categories.fields.title")} name="title" /> </Box> </Create> ); };
Content: import { type HttpError, useTranslate } from "@refinedev/core"; import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form"; import { Box, TextField } from "@mui/material"; import { Edit } from "@refinedev/mui"; import type { Category } from "./types"; export const CategoryEdit: React.FC = () => { const translate = useTranslate(); const { saveButtonProps, register, formState: { errors }, } = useForm<Category, HttpError, Category>(); return ( <Edit saveButtonProps={saveButtonProps}> <Box component="form" sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }} autoComplete="off" > <TextField {...register("id", { valueAsNumber: true })} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="number" label={translate("categories.fields.id")} name="id" disabled /> <TextField {...register("title", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.title} helperText={<>{errors?.title?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="text" label={translate("categories.fields.title")} name="title" /> </Box> </Edit> ); };
Content: import { useMemo } from "react"; import { useTranslate } from "@refinedev/core"; import { DataGrid, type GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid"; import { DeleteButton, EditButton, List, ShowButton, useDataGrid, } from "@refinedev/mui"; export const CategoryList: React.FC = () => { const translate = useTranslate(); const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid(); const columns = useMemo<GridColDef[]>( () => [ { field: "title", flex: 1, headerName: translate("categories.fields.title"), minWidth: 200, }, { field: "actions", headerName: translate("table.actions"), sortable: false, display: "flex", renderCell: function render({ row }) { return ( <> <ShowButton hideText recordItemId={row.id} /> <EditButton hideText recordItemId={row.id} /> <DeleteButton hideText recordItemId={row.id} /> </> ); }, align: "center", headerAlign: "center", minWidth: 80, }, ], [translate], ); return ( <List> <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} columns={columns} /> </List> ); };
Content: import { useShow, useTranslate, } from "@refinedev/core"; import Skeleton from "@mui/material/Skeleton"; import Stack from "@mui/material/Stack"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import { NumberField, Show, TextFieldComponent as TextField, } from "@refinedev/mui"; import type { Category } from "./types"; export const CategoryShow = () => { const translate = useTranslate(); const { query: { data: categoryResult, isLoading }, } = useShow<Category>(); const category = categoryResult?.data; return ( <Show isLoading={isLoading}> <Stack gap={1}> <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("categories.fields.id")} </Typography> {category ? ( <NumberField value={category?.id ?? ""} /> ) : ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> )} <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("categories.fields.title")} </Typography> {category ? ( <TextField value={category?.title} /> ) : ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> )} </Stack> </Show> ); };
Content: export interface Category { id: string; title: string; }
Content: import { type HttpError, useTranslate } from "@refinedev/core"; import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form"; import { Controller } from "react-hook-form"; import { Autocomplete, Box, TextField } from "@mui/material"; import { Create, useAutocomplete } from "@refinedev/mui"; import type { Product } from "./types"; export const ProductCreate: React.FC = () => { const translate = useTranslate(); const { saveButtonProps, refineCore: { formLoading }, register, control, formState: { errors }, } = useForm<Product, HttpError, Product>(); const { autocompleteProps: categoryAutocompleteProps } = useAutocomplete({ resource: "categories", }); return ( <Create isLoading={formLoading} saveButtonProps={saveButtonProps}> <Box component="form" sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }} autoComplete="off" > <TextField {...register("name", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.name} helperText={<>{errors?.name?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="text" label={translate("products.fields.name")} name="name" /> <TextField {...register("description", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.description} helperText={<>{errors?.description?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} multiline label={translate("products.fields.description")} name="description" /> <TextField {...register("price", { required: translate("form.required"), min: 0.1, valueAsNumber: true, })} error={!!errors?.price} helperText={<>{errors?.price?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="number" label={translate("products.fields.price")} name="price" /> <TextField {...register("material", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.material} helperText={<>{errors?.material?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="text" label={translate("products.fields.material")} name="material" /> <Controller control={control} name="category" rules={{ required: translate("form.required") }} render={({ field }) => ( <Autocomplete {...categoryAutocompleteProps} {...field} onChange={(_, value) => { field.onChange(value); }} getOptionLabel={(item) => { return ( categoryAutocompleteProps?.options?.find( (p) => p?.id?.toString() === item?.id?.toString(), )?.title ?? "" ); }} isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => option?.id === value?.id} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label={translate("products.fields.category")} margin="normal" variant="outlined" error={!!errors?.category} helperText={<>{errors?.category?.message}</>} required /> )} /> )} /> </Box> </Create> ); };
Content: import { type HttpError, useTranslate, } from "@refinedev/core"; import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form"; import { Controller } from "react-hook-form"; import { Autocomplete, Box, TextField } from "@mui/material"; import { Edit, useAutocomplete } from "@refinedev/mui"; import type { Product } from "./types"; export const ProductEdit = () => { const translate = useTranslate(); const { saveButtonProps, refineCore: { query, formLoading }, register, control, formState: { errors }, } = useForm<Product, HttpError, Product>(); const productsData = query?.data?.data; const { autocompleteProps: categoryAutocompleteProps } = useAutocomplete({ resource: "categories", defaultValue: productsData?.category?.id, }); return ( <Edit isLoading={formLoading} saveButtonProps={saveButtonProps}> <Box component="form" sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }} autoComplete="off" > <TextField {...register("id", { valueAsNumber: true })} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="number" label={translate("products.fields.id")} name="id" disabled /> <TextField {...register("name", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.name} helperText={<>{errors?.name?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="text" label={translate("products.fields.name")} name="name" /> <TextField {...register("description", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.description} helperText={<>{errors?.description?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} multiline label={translate("products.fields.description")} name="description" /> <TextField {...register("price", { required: translate("form.required"), valueAsNumber: true, })} error={!!errors?.price} helperText={<>{errors?.price?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="number" label={translate("products.fields.price")} name="price" /> <TextField {...register("material", { required: translate("form.required"), })} error={!!errors?.material} helperText={<>{errors?.material?.message}</>} margin="normal" fullWidth slotProps={{ inputLabel: { shrink: true, }, }} type="text" label={translate("products.fields.material")} name="material" /> <Controller control={control} name="category" rules={{ required: translate("form.required") }} defaultValue={productsData?.category ?? null} render={({ field }) => ( <Autocomplete {...categoryAutocompleteProps} {...field} onChange={(_, value) => { field.onChange(value); }} getOptionLabel={(item) => { return ( categoryAutocompleteProps?.options?.find( (p) => p?.id?.toString() === item?.id?.toString(), )?.title ?? "" ); }} isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => option?.id === value?.id} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label={translate("products.fields.category")} margin="normal" variant="outlined" error={!!errors?.category?.id} helperText={errors?.category?.id?.message} required /> )} /> )} /> </Box> </Edit> ); };
Content: import { useMemo } from "react"; import { useGetLocale, useList, useTranslate, } from "@refinedev/core"; import { DataGrid, type GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid"; import { DeleteButton, EditButton, List, NumberField, ShowButton, useDataGrid, } from "@refinedev/mui"; export const ProductList = () => { const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid(); const locale = useGetLocale()(); const translate = useTranslate(); const { data: categoryData, isLoading: categoryLoading } = useList({ resource: "categories", pagination: { mode: "off", }, }); const columns = useMemo<GridColDef[]>( () => [ { field: "name", flex: 1, headerName: translate("products.fields.name"), minWidth: 300, }, { field: "category", flex: 1, headerName: translate("products.fields.category"), minWidth: 200, valueGetter: ({ row }) => { const value = row?.category; return value; }, display: "flex", renderCell: function render({ value }) { return categoryLoading ? ( <>{translate("loading")}</> ) : ( categoryData?.data?.find((item) => item.id === value?.id)?.title ?? null ); }, }, { field: "price", flex: 1, headerName: translate("products.fields.price"), minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 150, display: "flex", renderCell: ({ value }) => { return ( <NumberField value={value} locale={locale} options={{ style: "currency", currency: "USD" }} /> ); }, }, { field: "actions", headerName: translate("table.actions"), sortable: false, display: "flex", renderCell: function render({ row }) { return ( <> <ShowButton hideText recordItemId={row.id} /> <EditButton hideText recordItemId={row.id} /> <DeleteButton hideText recordItemId={row.id} /> </> ); }, align: "center", headerAlign: "center", minWidth: 80, }, ], [categoryLoading, categoryData, locale, translate], ); return ( <List> <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} columns={columns} /> </List> ); };
Content: import { useOne, useShow, useTranslate } from "@refinedev/core"; import Skeleton from "@mui/material/Skeleton"; import Stack from "@mui/material/Stack"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import { NumberField, Show, TextFieldComponent as TextField, } from "@refinedev/mui"; import type { Product } from "./types"; export const ProductShow: React.FC = () => { const translate = useTranslate(); const { query: { data: productResult, isLoading }, } = useShow<Product>(); const product = productResult?.data; const { data: categoryData, isLoading: categoryLoading, isError: categoryError, } = useOne({ resource: "categories", id: product?.category?.id, queryOptions: { enabled: !!product?.category?.id, }, }); return ( <Show isLoading={isLoading}> <Stack gap={1}> <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("products.fields.id")} </Typography> {product ? ( <NumberField value={product.id} /> ) : ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> )} <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("products.fields.name")} </Typography> {product ? ( <TextField value={product.name} /> ) : ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> )} <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("products.fields.description")} </Typography> {product ? ( <TextField value={product.description} /> ) : ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> )} <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("products.fields.price")} </Typography> {product ? ( <NumberField value={product.price} /> ) : ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> )} <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("products.fields.material")} </Typography> {product ? ( <TextField value={product.material} /> ) : ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> )} <Typography variant="body1" fontWeight="bold"> {translate("products.fields.category")} </Typography> {categoryError ? null : categoryLoading ? ( <Skeleton height="20px" width="200px" /> ) : ( <TextField value={categoryData?.data?.title} /> )} </Stack> </Show> ); };
Content: export interface Product { id: string; name: string; description: string; price: number; material: string; category?: { id: string; } | null; }
Use cases
Refine shines when it comes to data-intensive applications like admin panels, dashboards and internal tools.

Key Features
- Refine Devtools - dive deeper into your app and provide useful insights
- Connectors for 15+ backend services including REST API, GraphQL, NestJs CRUD, Airtable, Strapi, Strapi v4, Supabase, Hasura, Appwrite, Firebase, Nestjs-Query and Directus.
- SSR support with Next.js & Remix and Advanced routing with any router library of your choice
- Auto-generation of CRUD UIs based on your API data structure
- Perfect state management & mutations with React Query
- Providers for seamless authentication and access control flows
- Out-of-the-box support for live / real-time applications
- Easy audit logs & document versioning
Refine has a very friendly community and we are always happy to help you get started:
- 🌟 Apply for the Priority support program! You can apply to priority support program and receive assistance from the Refine core team in your private channel.
- Join the Discord community! It is the easiest way to get help and ask questions to the community.
- Join the GitHub Discussions to ask anything about the Refine project or give feedback; we would love to hear your thoughts!
- Learn how to contribute to the Refine!
Next Steps
👉 Continue with the Quickstart guide to setup and run your first Refine project.
👉 Jump directly to the Tutorial to learn Refine by building a full-blown CRUD application.